What are the advantages of the new Comfort series?
The unique market innovation from Consul can solve the everyday problems of workshops!
In order to prove yourself on the market these days, it is not enough to simply offer a good-looking product. Consul Werkstattausrüstung GmbH was also aware of this. “Nowadays it is important to respond to the requirements in the workshop and to always be up to date with the latest technology. It is important to find out what obstacles there may be when using the lifts. Says Frank von der Crone, Managing Director of Consul Workshop Equipment GmbH.
The problem today: Vehicles that can no longer be moved after being switched off pose a challenge for mechanics in the workshops. It quickly became clear that the new lifts had to allow access to the driver’s interior after the vehicle had been parked. Everyone knows the problem of getting in and out and the possible damage to the driver’s door that this entails. “Putting the broom handle through the window to activate the clutch and brake so that the vehicle can be started was always a time-consuming and unprofessional emergency solution,” claims Frank Turck from the company “Autoprofi Turck”.
That’s why he was able to test the new product from Consul before it was released: the Comfort series! The new lifts have two offset columns, each with a long and a short swivel arm, which not only allows the driver’s door to be opened when raised, but also saves a lot of space. Frank Turck therefore quickly incorporated his new lifting platform into everyday use in the workshop. “Our boys all just want to get on this stage. Because it’s simply brilliant when you can open the driver’s door, regardless of whether I’m jacking up a Mercedes-Benz GLE Coupé or a Fiat 500,” he concludes.
In order to be able to offer the advantages of these lifts in other areas of the market, the family is now being expanded following the successful launch of the new series: there is also a hydraulic and, in the future, a 4-ton version, as well as a version for electric vehicles to accommodate the technical To be able to stay ahead of developments on the market.
Häufig gestellte Fragen
Wie lange dauert die Installation und die Inbetriebnahme einer Hebebühne?
Consul Hebebühnen so gut wie fertig montiert. In der Regel benötigen wir ca. 6 Stunden für einen Aufbau einer 2 Säulen Hebebühne.
Kann eine Hebebühne auch in einer kleinen Werkstatt verwendet werden?
Durch die intelligente Bauweise der Consul Hebebühnen benötigen wir teils nur 2,60m Deckenhöhe. Durch das breitgefächerte Produktprogramm sind für alle Bedürfnisse und Anforderungen Lösungen vorhanden.
Wie bedient man die Hebebühne?
Alle Consul Hebebühnen werden über eine drucktasten-Steuerung oder über einem Drehwendeschalter bedient.
Kann eine Hebebühne auch für den privaten Gebrauch verwendet werden?
Selbstverständlich ja, man möge nur auf die Anforderungen für Boden und Elektrik achten.